With the Prestige Continental Express from Winterthur, Wallisellen, Zurich HB to Ticino 

Prossima Fermata Bellinzona

Sunday, 5 January 2025

Day trip 

Route:  Winterthur – Wallisellen – Zürich HB – Flüelen – Bellinzona 

Enjoy the fantastic Gotthard mountain route in luxury in the dining car of the Prestige Continental Express. We will take you in Orient Express style to Switzerland's sunniest region. Our journey starts in Winterthur, travelling via Wallisellen to Zurich HB. From Zurich main station, the journey continues to Flüelen, where a stop for photos and fresh air is planned and you can enjoy a delicious meal prepared on board. We arrive in Bellinzona in the late afternoon. The return journey is individual and is not included in this programme. 

CHF 199.- per person

Operated by Rail Event

With the Prestige Continental Express to the Valsangiacomo winery 

Thursday, 20 March 2025

Evening journey

Route:  Lugano – Airolo – retour 

The F. lli Valsangiacomo winery opens the doors of the Airolo fortress, where the Gransegreto wine matures, and the Prestige Continental Express takes you there in style and elegance. Taste an exceptional Ticino wine on a nostalgic train reminiscent of the golden age of the railway.

PROMOTION: Benefit from an early booking discount of CHF 30 until 31 January 2025 (price per person CHF 260 instead of CHF 290). 


CHF 260.- per person

Operated by Rail Event

With the Prestige Continental Express from Locarno to Zurich main station / Winterthur

Sunday, 23 March 2025

Day trip

Route: Locarno – Bellinzona – Zürich HB – Winterthur 

On Sunday, 23 March 2025, the Prestige Continental Express returns from its winter quarters to German-speaking Switzerland. The journey starts in Locarno with a boarding point in Bellinzona and travels along the unique Gotthard mountain route to Zurich and on to Winterthur. The return journey is made individually and is not included in this programme.


The Prestige Continental Express makes a stop in Ticino over the winter. We are taking this opportunity to offer this transfer journey at more favourable conditions. Benefit from an additional early booking discount of CHF 20 until 31 January 2025 (price per person CHF 179 instead of CHF 199 or CHF 229). 


CHF 199.- per person

Operated by Rail Event

Murder on the Continental Express from / to Basel, Rheinfelden

Friday, 9 May 2025

Evening journey

Route: Basel – Rheinfelden – return 

On the trail of the rich and beautiful, the upper ten thousand. Travelling and dining in the style of the golden 1920s. Experience a real journey through time - unique and unforgettable!

Meet statesmen, diplomats, ambassadors, kings and film stars. This legendary train attracts robbers, arms dealers, spies and madmen. Illustrious guests on board a travelling legend. Are they all who they claim to be? As soon as the murder takes place, the masks fall. And you too are a suspect!

A touch of whodunit and certainly a lot of fun await you in the Prestige Continental Express. Live theatre directed by the award-winning Florian Rexer.


Benefit from an early booking discount of CHF 29 until 28 February 2025 (price per person CHF 260 instead of CHF 289). 


CHF 289.- per person

Operated by Rail Event

Murder on the Continental Express from / to Zurich, Winterthur

Saturday, 10 May 2025

Evening journey

Route: Zurich – Winterthur – return 

On the trail of the rich and beautiful, the upper ten thousand. Travelling and dining in the style of the golden 1920s. Experience a real journey through time - unique and unforgettable!

Meet statesmen, diplomats, ambassadors, kings and film stars. This legendary train attracts robbers, arms dealers, spies and madmen. Illustrious guests on board a travelling legend. Are they all who they claim to be? As soon as the murder takes place, the masks fall. And you too are a suspect!

A touch of whodunit and certainly a lot of fun await you in the Prestige Continental Express. Live theatre directed by the award-winning Florian Rexer.


Benefit from an early booking discount of CHF 29 until 28 February 2025 (price per person CHF 260 instead of CHF 289). 


CHF 289.- per person

Operated by Rail Event

Individual offers

Are you looking for ideas for an upcoming company or club event, or are you planning a wedding? Then you've come to the right place! We will be happy to arrange a complete package for you, including your wishes and ideas, and advise you with our expertise in the fields of railways and tourism. 

Phone: +41 52 214 33 60
E-mail: [email protected]

You can also find further information or examples of events at www.railevent.ch.


Culinary range

Let our menus inspire you. The individual courses can be combined as desired.

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